Paris II --- Jim Morrison forever

                                      En el cementerio de Pére Lachaise en París están enterrados muchos notables y sobresalientes
                                      personajes, Oscar Wilde, Marcel Proust, Maria Callas, Édith Piaf y Fréderic Chopin entre otros.
                                      Pero sin duda la tumba más visitada no es otra que la del cantante de The Doors, Jim Morrison.
                                      En esta serie podemos ver su tumba, y como una fan le lleva flores, brinda con whisky y llora su 
                                     The Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris has buried many notable and outstanding
                                     characters, Oscar Wilde, Marcel Proust, Maria Callas, Edith Piaf and Frederic 
                                     Chopin among others. But undoubtedly the most visited grave is none other than 
                                     The Doors' singer, Jim Morrison. In this series we can see his grave, and as a fan
                                     brings him flowers, toasts with  whiskey and cries his absence.